Sunday, June 3, 2012

Las Vegas is really hot!

We got into Vegas just at rush hour today. On our way we went over the new bridge at Hoover Dam. It's pretty cool but the route over the actual dam is pretty cool, too. I think I like the dam crossing way better. We stayed at the Main Street Station downtown - in their RV park. Which is a parking lot - asphalt. We like being downtown where everything is close and you can walk to several casinos. We stayed in the Moho during the day watching movies and trying to stay cool. It was 104 and 106 the days we were there. We only went out at night. Like vampires! As always, you see some very interesting things in Vegas! At around 2:00 a.m. we saw a couple of the Smurfs walking hand in hand down Fremont St. In full costume. I think they may have been a little drunk. They were weaving slightly. When we leave Vegas on Monday morning (at 6:00 a.m.) we are heading to Yosemite. Looking forward to some cooler temps!

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